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OTV News Channel is the flagship brand of the network. It’s a free, fair and unbiased outlet that has been on the run for all essential details to be propagated in order to uplift our society as a whole.


Tarang TV has fast emerged as the primary source of regional entertainment and has upgraded the web of daily soaps in Odia households. It is a mix bag of serials, game shows, reality segments and sentimental humour striking chords in several minds. Its realm of contents is multidimensional, an expansion covering social revelations, cultural figments, mythology, modern era, socio-political, psychology and much more.


Tarang Music consolidates the wide musical journey and rich art of Odisha, along with diversifying it in contemporary lights. It takes over independent music video projects for celebrated as well as budding musicians. This is coupled with running golden era shows to revive the soulful music of the past.


Prarthana is the firrst Odia spiritual centric channel. It is mounted on the devotional streeks of Odisha. It reflects the moral loop of the state along with the mythology. Also, it caters to and quenches the thirst of people for a social cleansing through message oriented programmes.


Alankar TV is a 24-hour Odia Jatra channel from the house of Odisha Television Network. It is the first jatra genre-specific channel in Odisha. The channel has outlets access across the globe precisely with the purpose of extending the flavours of typical home art and old school rejoice  with a telecast of a figment of odia dramas that have been a signature entertainment source for generations.


Tarangplus is a mono platform solution for all entertainment hassles. It incorporates all genres (ranging from web series to music videos to movies to jatraa shows and reality soaps) and has it all just a click away. It has been launched to introduce the Odia population to a regional OTT outlet where they can enjoy their language on versatile notes without having to miss out on anything owing to time restrictions. It also births several original concepts that lean towards contemporary unpopular ideas and has the youth clinging to a fresh breeze of screen time. In fact, youth being the target audience here, it is the most experimental extension of OTV.


As Odisha’s leading digital news native, Odisha Reporter brings to you stories from all around the globe in the Odia language. The platform exists with the motto of educating its viewers with not just the news, but also the story behind it.


Odishatv.in/ Odishatv App

Catering to the need for having updates at the tip of fingers, we have digitalized our portal.

It’s convenient to go through immediate inputs, coverages and breaking news without having to fix a slot to switch on the TV or having to miss out on essential news because of the inconvenience in tuning into the channel. We believe in letting our viewers have their information handy, while commuting, travelling, working or relaxing! We have coined a double-edged solution of the website (odishatv.in) as well as the app (Odishatv App) as the extensions to OTV.